Massage on the island of Corfu
The pioneering spirit of Corfu is evident everywhere, even regarding massage techniques. Due to the great tourist development on the island of Corfu, new trends have been established and have been further developed. Many Corfiots have become familiar with various massage techniques as a way of relaxation and relief from everyday stress, or they used to (and still do) book massage sessions as a gift to their beloved friends.
Nowadays, massage techniques have been widely developed around the world and new techniques gain the attention of people. Corfiots and visitors on the island of Corfu will have the chance to enjoy traditional or new and innovative massage techniques according to their own needs, offered at the centre of Enthymesis by the therapist and owner, Argyro Gerochristou. The team at Enthymesis is continually growing and evolving, providing massage services throughout Corfu, ensuring that everyone can experience the benefits of these therapeutic practices.